December 2010

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December 30th 2010年12月30日

TIny waves in Riyuewan now, thigh-high. Great for our group of lessons today, and fun enough on a longboard on the main point. Still looking good for this incoming swell, should peak on Sunday at 3.3 meters, which should mean overhead surf at Riyuewan. 今天日月湾的浪。8米高。 很好玩! 这个周末应该非常好。星期天会有比人高的浪!

December 27th 2010年12月27日

Clean waves at Riyuewan today, although not too much size. Some pictures from today below. Look for a dip in size over the next few days, and then building on Thursday, Looking good for the coming weekend again. 今天日月湾的浪不错,丹不是很大。明后天小一点,星期五会大一点,还有周末更大。下图是今天日月湾拍的。

In the Media 冲浪海南媒体

Surfing Hainan has received extensive media coverage, and brought international attention to surfing in Hainan. Click on the links below to see the original articles. 冲浪海南受到国际上各个媒体对冲浪海南的关注,点击以下链接查看原文。 Publication Name 媒体名称 Date 日期 That’s Shanghai 2008/10 Tracks Surfing Magazine 2008/11 Hainan Daily - 海南日报 2008/11 City Weekend Shanghai 2008/11 China Daily English Edition -中国日报 2008/12 Hainan Daily Read the full article…

Shop Map 商店地图

Surfing Hainan is located in Dadonghai, the main tourist area of Sanya. As we are on a nameless side street, it is strongly advised to print out the following map to bring with you 冲浪海南位置在大东海,三亚的的旅游中心。因为在一个没有路名的位置上,所以强烈推荐建议是最好把以下的地图打印出来会容易一点找到我们。

Tobey’s Blog - The Only One Skate Shop in Sanya!

三亚终于有了家滑板店,店主是一位叫小明的滑手。开业三个多月以来本地的滑手们都非常支持,并不定期四处寻找spot玩板。期待他们有好的照片和视频短片! 板店地址位于三亚市商品街上,在商品街十巷巷口。店名叫SKATE LIFE,logo有个黑桃Ace,logo是小明自己设计的,因为他很喜欢Black box系列的品牌和Delux系列的品牌。所以你在他这里可以买到Zero, Fallen, Toy Machine, Spitfire, Independent, Vans, Thunder 和 Venture等品牌。小店开业不久曾被盗过一次,偷盗者似乎对滑板不敢兴趣只是拿走了衣服和鞋之类的。如果你有机会来到三亚,不妨去店里看看,小明还会带你去一家不起眼的小店品尝超级棒的椰子! Finally,there is a skate shop in Sanya called Skate Life! The owner’s name is Xiao Ming. The shop is only 3 months old and it had been stolen 3 weeks ago. The thieves just took the pants, shoes and Tees. They Read the full article…