February 2011

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Small wave surf video

{6cn}Creative destruction episode 1.6{/6cn} Great video I found. I like the way these surfers deal with small messy waves. Enjoy…

Steven’s Blog - Boogie Nights

It’s eight pm in Luhuitou, a seaside village not far from Dadonghai. I’m cruising down the road on my bike toward the neighborhood playground, a crumbling square of asphalt with a full basketball court, cement bleachers, and a urine-smelling bandstand that the local kids have appropriated as a clubhouse. Chickens cautiously bob-step around children chasing Read the full article…

February 14th, 2011年2月14日

This little swell will stick around for a few days, dropping of over the week. Another swell incoming showing for Monday the 21st. We’ll keep you posted. Below are a couple of pictures from yesterday. 这几天浪还可以。这下来的三天会更小。等下个星期一才有大浪过来。下图是昨天在日月湾拍的。