Tropical Storm Katsena approaches us, and as of late afternoon there were already double overhead sets hitting the east coast. Gonna get out there tomorrow. Hopefully Katsena will still be far enough away where we aren’t getting too much wind. By late Tuesday/early Wednesday she will be pasing by the south of Hainan. Looks like she is close enough to give us some adverse effects. Wednesday could be pretty blown out, but I’m sure we’ll get a clean up. We need a big fat Dadonghai session to properly end this summer season.
This feels like Christmas Eve, waiting to wake up in the morning to get my presents. The only difference being that Christmas presents weren’t capable of tossing you round like a rag doll and holdig you underwater for an uncomfortable period of time. I’ve been good with my excersize for the past few months, and I’m hoping it pays off tomorrow. Should be some long, tough paddles.