
Fellow Californian and Sanya resident Matt Hammond, getting one of the best rides of his life.


Believe it or not, this is Hainan.

Robbie from O'neill

Robbie Burns, China Director for O'neill, at the end of his four day market research trip.

Typhoon Conson 台风“康森”

Check out more pictures from Typhoon Conson here



Another happy Surfing Hainan customer!

我们朋友Baku 在艾美大酒店 Baku at Le Meridien


Our friend Baku went up to Le Meridien with some friends last weekend and sent us these pictures.


Pablo has gone up to study in Xian for a month. He'll be back in a month, and by then his 6'0 Surfing Hainan board should be in. The first Surfing Hainan (and probably China's first) sponsored surfer.


Dadonghai Aerial 3

Nice little lines coming through.

Dadonghai Aerial 2

Another aerial shot from Tyson Burnett. Love these!

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