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Robbie from O'neillRobbie Burns, China Director for O'neill, at the end of his four day market research trip. 我们朋友Baku 在艾美大酒店 Baku at Le Meridien我们好朋友Baku上个周末和一些朋友去了艾美大酒店玩一天,然后发给我们这些不错的照片。 Our friend Baku went up to Le Meridien with some friends last weekend and sent us these pictures. PabloPablo has gone up to study in Xian for a month. He'll be back in a month, and by then his 6'0 Surfing Hainan board should be in. The first Surfing Hainan (and probably China's first) sponsored surfer. 墨鱼昨天去西安要跟家人一个月才回来三亚。 |