Name Our Water Buffalo Contest Winners! 为冲浪海南大水牛取名”活动获奖者!

We had an overwhelming amount of entries to name our water buffalo. After much deliberation, we have decided on the name of Duke. For those of you who don't know, Duke Kahanamoku was a Hawaiian gold-medal Olympic swimmer and surf ambassador who introduced surfing to mainland USA and Australia. As our water buffalo is pioneering the sport of surfing here in China, the name Duke is a perfect fit.

We actually had two people suggest the name Duke - Elizabeth Land of Salem, New Jersey., and Charles Hooter of La Verne, California. Elizabeth is a former coworker when I worked at Fifth Third Bank in Philadelphia, and Charles is a customer of ours who spent a week surfing with us last year while on some RnR from his contracting job in Afghanistan. Expect to receive your prize packages in the mail shortly, Elizabeth and Charles. And congratulations!

我们经过无数次的比较和慎重的筛选后,决定为大水牛取名为 - Duke。大家有所不知,Duke Kahanamoku 这位夏威 夷人曾是奥运游泳金牌获得者并且他扮演着推广冲浪运动到美国大陆和澳大利亚的重要角色。因此我们的大水牛作为中国 冲浪运动的推 动者,Duke这个名字再适合它不过了!有两位朋友曾向我们推荐Duke这个 名字:新泽西的伊丽莎白和加州的查理斯。伊丽莎白是 我过去在费城五三银行的同事。查里斯是我们冲浪海南的一个朋友,去年他阿富汗的工作结束后,来到三亚这边冲浪并呆了一周。很快你们将收到我们送出的奖品, 恭喜你们,伊丽莎白和查理斯!