In the summer months, from May to September, we get surf right here in Dadonghai. Take a lesson with Surfing Hainan and learn how to surf in a safe and fun manner. Our experienced instruc- tors show you the fundamentals of this great sport, and make catching a wave and riding much easier than on your own. Lessons include two hours of hands on instruction, and the surfboard to use until five in the afternoon. 300 rmb per person. More information here.
在夏天的几个月里,从五月到九月,我们能在大东海冲 浪。跟冲浪海南上一节安全好玩的冲浪课。我们资深的教 练,教你从这项运动的基本开始学习,帮助你抓浪冲浪比 你自己玩要容易的多。教学包括两小时教课,然后剩下 的时间里可以自己用冲浪板玩到下午5点。一个人300元