
Services 服务

Breakfast Paddle 浆板半日行

Join us in the morning for a paddle from our shop in Dadonghai over to the Mandarin Oriental, Sanya for their breakfast buffet. Limited to two guests, we start at seven in the morning with a brief lesson on Dadonghai Beach on how to properly use a Stand Up Paddleboard, before making our way on the 1.5 km paddle east to the beach at the Mandarin Oriental. The paddle takes approximately half an hour, depending on conditions. We park our boards on the beach, and have the breakfast buffet in the ocean-view restaurant. After a few hours of wonderful coffee, juice, and an incredible variety of food, we paddle back to Dadonghai. 500 rmb per person, including breakfast.

每天早晨和我们一起划浆板到三亚文华东方酒店去享用早餐,每次限两人。 在1.5公里的旅程开始前,我们早上八点在大东海沙滩上先学习怎样使用桨板。整个行程大约半个小时,具体看实际的天气情况。在酒店沙滩上岸后,我们将在文华东方酒店的海景餐厅用餐,非常棒的咖啡,新鲜的果汁,另外还有各种餐点!用餐过后我们休息片刻,接着再划回大东海。此行价格为500元人民币每人,价格包含浆板学习,使用和酒店早餐的费用。


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