
November 17th, 2012年11月17日

Shoulder-high sets waves on the main point, as it should stay for the next few days. The five-day holding period for the Swatch Girls Pro starts on Wednesday the 21st. The first day should have leftovers from this swell, with a quick drop off. If we are lucky, another swell will come in for the last few days. Still a bit early to see the forecast for those days yet. 今天在日月湾主要冲浪的地方有肩高的浪,而且在接下来的几天也会持续。为期五天的斯沃琪女子长板决赛将在21号周三开幕。第一天这样的浪应该出现有速度很快的小浪,如果我们幸运的话,另外的高涨的海浪还会在余下几天出现。但是现在预报接下来几天的浪况还为时太早。

This puppy wound up at our club after Typhoon Son-Tinh 山神 wreaked a bit of havoc here three weeks ago. He had presumably become separated from his mother during the storm, so we adopted him and named him Typhoon. 下面这个小狗是三周前在山神台风对这里造成严重破坏的时候来到我们俱乐部。他大概是在台风来的时候和他的妈妈走散了,所以我们收留了他并给他起了“台风”这个名字。

Welcome to Riyue Bay for surfing! 欢迎来到日月湾冲浪!

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