

Pier Shoot Out

Yesterday we went down to the thin metal pier on the west side of Dadonghai and tried to shoot it (ride a wave through a section of the pier). It was one of the funnest sessions we have had recently. Lots of pics below, and some video to follow on our next newsletter.


Darci shoots

Julieta shoots


Dragon Boat Monday 龙舟节

This is the fifth Dragon Boat Festival I have spent in Sanya, and the fifth one with waves in Dadonghai. Quite the run we are on! Here are some pictures.

蓝和白色 White and Blue

铁桩 TZ

漠雨 Moyu


小龙 Brendan


June 5th 2011年06月05日

There were waist to chest high waves in Dadonghai. Small in the morning with some light on shore wind, the swell builded up by noon getting pretty clean by 2pm.

It looks that we gonna have waves up to 1m for the while week.

06月05日大东海 腰到 胸高的浪。今天比较小。





June 4th 2011年6月4日

Some fun little ones coming through. Hopefully it will get a bit bigger, but we are happy enough with what we have now.


漠雨 Moyu

小龙 Brendan

铁桩 Tie Zhuang

刘丹 Darci

Jun Jun on the left, Miaoyu in the middle

乐乐浪 Party Wave

漠雨 Determined Moyu

Hello there. Could you go swim in the swim area please? Thank you for your cooperation.


Weekend Surf Forecast June 4-5, 2011年六月4-5日

This weekend looks like the first of the summer's genuine south swells, with a 0.8 meter swell hitting Dadonghai on Friday and building to 1.7 meters by Sunday. This swell is forecasted to last until at least next Thursday. Winds look light this weekend but will be onshore. Low tide is at 20:30 on Saturday and 21:12 on Sunday. Should be a fun week up ahead! Saturday's pic below.

这个周末会出现夏季的第一个好浪在大东海。星期五有0。8 米高的浪,星期天将达到1。7米。浪会一直维持到下个星期四。这个周末风不会很大但是离岸很近。星期六20:30退潮,星期天21:12退潮。这个星期应该很好玩!周六的照片在下面。


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