Darci’s Blog New generation surfers 新一代的浪人

最近在大东海可以看到有很多的小朋友在水里在冲浪,大概都是7-10岁左右的。 以前在海里我们是新一代现在终于被取代了。其实在国外小孩冲浪是非常普遍的,只要是住在热带岛屿的小朋友们从小都开始学习冲浪,在中国因为很多人都不太了解冲浪,所以对于冲浪会有很多的疑问。 其实小朋友学习冲浪比起成年人要更容易简单,小孩子灵活性强,反应快,运动细胞好。只要他们用心学,会进步的很快,小朋友学习冲浪时最主要的是要学会在水里好好保护自己,防止被板打到。

Recently you can see alot of kids surfing in Dadonghai. They are about from 7-10 years old. I used to be the youngest surfer in the water, but not anymore. The kids are taking over now. Actually in alot of foreign country so many kids learn how to surf, especially in a tropical island. But in china not many people know what surfing is , what it is about, and they have many questions. For sure kids can learn quicker than a adult, they got energy , they are quick and nimble. If they like to surf they can be very good at it. For kids learn to surf just have to be really careful, need to protect your self make sure not get hit by the board.

Joe 7 years old 邱灼7岁

Tiger 10 years old 杨秀原10岁

Mai Qiang 7 years old 麦强7岁

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